понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

boydens colchester

* I have had weird travel mishap dreams two nights in a row. �In the first one, C and I were at Arisia (SF con in Boston, for anyone who doesnapos;t know), and from there it went to train rides. �I think we started out on the same train, ended up on different ones, then I (along with many others) wasnapos;t allowed back on my train at all and had to wait hours for another, while the conductor of Capos;s train decided his passengers werenapos;t getting enough cultural activity and should be brought to a Carrot Festival in Moscow. �Yeah, I donapos;t know either.

In the second one, I was supposed to get a flight from Paris to Montreal, but somehow ended up in Philadelphia instead. �Not a stop or layover, but some sort of mix-up. �Not quite as weird, but still strange and annoying. �The weirder stuff involved a tiny turtle and I think another baby animal of some sort, possibly a tiger.

Anyway, my brain seems to have travel concerns. �Iapos;d better poke at whatapos;s causing them.

* I have to come up with a Halloweapos;en costume before Saturday and no brilliant idea has grabbed me yet. �I have some body paints and some coloured hairspray (purple and a bit of blue) that I keep thinking I could do something with, but I have nothing specific yet. �I am open to suggestions, using that stuff or not.

* Not seriously contemplating, just opinion-seeking: it has been suggested to me Iapos;d look good with a pixie haircut. �Thoughts? �I am so accustomed to having long hair, I just have no clue whether that would work.

* If I ever have a house of my own, I want a swing set in the backyard.

* I had raspberries �Two days in row �Hooray
boydens colchester, boydens brighton, boydens braintree, boydens.

воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

ancient food greece recipe

Iapos;ll probably update about myself tomorrow. In the meantime, since its been a long time since I made an "obligatory cute cat post," letapos;s take a look into daily communications in the mobiustrip household.

"MERP MERP" - This can only be described as "cat barking." It is used to inform the big cat (me) that it has been in bed far too long and should get up and play with the little cat now.

"MRAWR" - Childish squeal of joy when she realizes we are playing a game such as "GET THE KITTY." Accompanied by gleeful retarded prancing; I wish I could catch it on video.

"MROWF?" - This is a question, and I still have no idea what she is asking me. It probably varies daily.

"MROWOWOW" - FEEDMEFEEDMEFEEDMEEEEEEE. Usually accompanied by The Hungry Cat Dance, which includes stretching, rolling around, scratching on the scratching post, tail-chasing, plate-spinning and three costume changes.

"URF" - This is a gutteral, subvocal sound of extreme comfort. Usually heard coming from under a blanket while occupying a lap.

"MEW" - "Oh look how cute I am; you are going to ignore all the shit I just destroyed, right?"

The are, of course, longer utterances but they are not really easily recreated and each is tailored to the specific situation. These are just the common ones that I have to put up with.

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

adal ramones monologos

Oh, the season 1 finale of Doctor Who is probably my favorite. (ZOMG I LOVE DOCTOR/ROSE KISSING SCENE) I do love David Tennant, although I think I still hold a torch for Christopher Eccleston. A big, gay torch. ALTHOUGH, I want everyone to know that Iapos;d rape either.

One of the things I love about Doctor Who, (along with Weeds and True Blood) is the excellent selection of music for the show. Like this clip of The Master arriving on deck, and to his selected cue of "I Canapos;t Decide Whether You Should Live or Die", as he dances around taunting all his human slaves.

And then this one, with the Master again, cueing the play of "Here Come the Drums", as he unleashes the Toclafane into the world, and his wife dances in the background, lol. Uh, he constantly hears drumming his head, thatapos;s the inside joke there. (The Master + iPod = <3)

And I almost DIED when they travel far into the future to see the end of the Earth, when our sun explodes, and everyoneapos;s absently observing the event from their posh party deck, and to the "traditional" Earth ballad of....Britney Spearsapos; "Toxic".

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comcast employment opportunities

We delivered a trailer to the Grayhawk Golf Club in Scottsdale,Az for a golf tournament. Then we were asked to pick up a trailer of video equipment from Video West in Tempe,Az to take to Roswell,NM for a Sarah Palin rally. The irony, we are die hard Obama supporters. Still we took the load. After all money is money. Now it seems they want us to stay with her while she holds rallies in the western United States. I wonder sometimes if I am selling my principles out by doing this.

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broadcasting system trinity

Seriously, even the judges at "Dancing with the Stars" canapos;t withstand the Merlin charme. Calling Lance "Sir Dancelot" this week? Had me cracking up like crazy

In other news, I really wanted to get the second "Discoveries" out before this nightapos;s episode, but as the plot keeps expanding on me, seems like I wonapos;t make it. So Iapos;ll probably gotta find a way to work Lancelot in it now...

yay canapos;t wait for the new ep Jealousy, wheeee

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

first tier isp

I just read Amberapos;s post about her apprehension toward going home. I feel similarly although i donapos;t have to deal with a wedding. I donapos;t have anything in common with Michigan anymore and I never have anything to say. Trying to relate anything that iapos;ve been doing with myself in Seattle garners me feigned interest, but mostly indifference. We just say the same things weapos;ve been saying for years. At least my mother is insane and therefore amusing. Iapos;d rather talk to her about the dogs or listen to her talk to the dogs than talk to my dad about.... Anything. His lectures about nothing or things that are unbelievably incorrect or ridiculous are tiresome and i donapos;t have the patience i did when i was fifteen. This causes me to be "mean" to him (i just donapos;t put up with his bullshit) and instead of him saying something to me he tells my mother who tells me not to upset him and has the audacity to tell me iapos;m "emotional". Seriously. I told my mom if he has a problem he can talk to me directly and stop being a fucking uterus. Its pretty awkward having bigger balls than your father.
i think iapos;m going to have it out with him when i go home. I feel i should try at least once to salvage our relationship, however i donapos;t hold out much hope.

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boston german restaurant

I got some more points to add to the candidate mussel ranges project and did that; also noticed that some fields werenapos;t complete from the last four I added so I fixed those. I had to move one of the points though because it wasnapos;t where it was supposed to be. There is also a vague historic record that Sandy has come across - no lat/longs but a really vague idea of where they found the mussels. Yay.

Anyway, added the points, extended the ranges of a couple of species, then moved on to the conradina data. Since there is really no point in keeping all of these points separate, I merged them together. First I appended the two burn zone points. Then I looked at the other two and saw that the only useful attribute information they had was the date they were collected and a lat/long. So I deleted the unnecessary fields (while still keeping the originals in the project folder of course) and then merged those together, then merged everything together. The burn zone shapefiles didnapos;t have any lat/long info, so I�used X-Tools to give them some. Then I added a field with the species name just in case someone didnapos;t know what they were looking at, then reprojected the points into FL Albers, then moved them out of my scratch geodatabase and into the panhandle folder. Then I added them to the Dataviewer. Viola The only thing left to do is create a layer file for them so that the data will already present itself in a useful way to others. And I still donapos;t have any metadata for the data, but weapos;re working on that. Maybe I can get enough information together to make it semi-complete. Since I created this layer based on 4 others, I may have to create it myself. So, this is one project I can finally just cross of the list. That is, until we get the metadata. I soooo hate metadata.

Thatapos;s about all Iapos;ve done thus far today and Iapos;m not entirely sure what Iapos;m going to do for the rest of the day. Frank is here, so I may ask him about the sturgeon potential spawning data and see what he has to say about the MS�rivers and the attributes. I�also need to at least email him and let�him know that the grad�student heapos;s working with�on�the Escambia river needs to QA/QC his data before I�can make any accurate maps. And if Wendy moves some stuff over into the library then I�can start moving things into the Dataviewer. And thereapos;s always the metadata (ugh). Maybe Iapos;ll just create layer files for the rest�of the day.

Iapos;m really glad itapos;s Friday. Iapos;ve�havenapos;t been getting enough sleep this week because Iapos;ve been having to wake up�earlier than I would like to�have time to drive over to Maryapos;s. And I think our kitty cat doesnapos;t like it, because heapos;s started spraying again. Grr. It must be the smell of their cats. One of them is a male kitten who likes to�jump in my lap, so I guess I have to�make sure that I�donapos;t hold�her cats. :( Anyway, Iapos;m�looking forward to�sleeping semi-late over the weekend.

Then next week Iapos;m not sure what Iapos;m going to be working on. I guess Iapos;ll find something - I�do have plenty of projects to do, itapos;s just that most of them�involve�Frank and heapos;s�not going to�be around much until the middle of November.�The next one down on the list Iapos;m already working on (the springs and cool water refuges for the striped bass) but Karen is working on getting that data, and Iapos;ve come up pretty short in my search, so I donapos;t have much to do there at this point. Then there obtaining some plant data. Which is going to involve contacting people to see if theyapos;ll give it to us. So...probably not today. Monday would be better for trying to contact people I think.

On traveling back to Ellijay next week, I think weapos;ll just come back to Panama City on Monday and then I can go back to work on Tuesday. The only reason to stay was to vote, but for some reason they sent us absentee ballots rather than accepting our advance voting. I got mine in the mail here and Joeapos;s is apparently at his mothers. So we donapos;t have to stick around Monday to do that. The only thing I had planned to do on Monday was vote and go over to Gordon County. I guess I can go over to Gordon County on Friday...I need to email Donna and let her know that Iapos;m coming back to town and will be by on Friday or Monday (maybe on the way home? - that way we can directly take 75) to pick up some more deeds so she wonapos;t have to mail them to me. So weapos;ll be driving to Ellijay next Thursday, staying Fri-Sun, then coming back on Monday. I suppose we could come back on Sunday but I really donapos;t want to spend the majority of my actual birthday driving. This way I wonapos;t miss as many hours at least.

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eight queens puzzle

Lifeapos;s been pretty awesome lately. I canapos;t complain. I finally got my car tax paid off. =]

Meanwhile..this morning Britt Lynch sends me a text...which made me chuckle.

"If we woke up naked together, using only three words, what would you say? Text me back and pass it along..."

So. I donapos;t usually partake in things like this. But knowing the people I know, this was too good to pass up.

The responces I got:
-"OH My damn"
-"Well, THATapos;S interesting."
-"That was fun"
-"Idk, honestly."
-"Ughhhh Damn vagina"
-"I was good"
-"That was amazing."

Mind you, none of these people have actually ever slept with me. =] Iapos;m honored. I think my favorites were "Ugghh, damn vagina"�and "I was good" (hahaha).

Alas, tonight Megan and I ventured out to BAR charlotte for a night out�of man-hating (which is hard to do when youapos;re not manhating)... And we rode the bull. And we fell off. HARD. And yeah. The ass, it hurts. Xp

So now, Iapos;m going to attempt to go to bed. Sore ass and all.

face lift thread, eight queens puzzle, eight queens solution, eight queens solutions, eight reales.

четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

and just havin fun site myspace.com

This is old stuff. But was having a bit of insomnia and browsing around flickr when I found some memories. =)

This picture was taken in Singapore behind Tanjong Rhu. Was waiting for 2007 National day fireworks and took this picture for submission into Singapore flyer competition. Won a small Nikon L6 camera and also a SSO ticket (now where is that ticket??)for another picture (for the best title or something) on the same session

Here is the picture. The benefit was that it was printed in Uniquely Singapore, as a postcard for their Singapore publicity. Was happy when they chose mine. So now, my pictures are circulated over the world as the card have so called free postage to people around the world.

Here, I found in flickr, a scanned copy of a postcard with my picture from a flickr user, nel-tu (Blanka) from Belgrade, Serbia.

Here it is

Anyone else needs a postcard, I do have a stash of it back at home. =p Self collected and mainly collected by Geraldine.

Best Regards

cancer of the vulvar, and just havin fun site myspace.com, and just hang with friends, and just for the record, and just chillin with my friends.