пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

boston german restaurant

I got some more points to add to the candidate mussel ranges project and did that; also noticed that some fields werenapos;t complete from the last four I added so I fixed those. I had to move one of the points though because it wasnapos;t where it was supposed to be. There is also a vague historic record that Sandy has come across - no lat/longs but a really vague idea of where they found the mussels. Yay.

Anyway, added the points, extended the ranges of a couple of species, then moved on to the conradina data. Since there is really no point in keeping all of these points separate, I merged them together. First I appended the two burn zone points. Then I looked at the other two and saw that the only useful attribute information they had was the date they were collected and a lat/long. So I deleted the unnecessary fields (while still keeping the originals in the project folder of course) and then merged those together, then merged everything together. The burn zone shapefiles didnapos;t have any lat/long info, so I�used X-Tools to give them some. Then I added a field with the species name just in case someone didnapos;t know what they were looking at, then reprojected the points into FL Albers, then moved them out of my scratch geodatabase and into the panhandle folder. Then I added them to the Dataviewer. Viola The only thing left to do is create a layer file for them so that the data will already present itself in a useful way to others. And I still donapos;t have any metadata for the data, but weapos;re working on that. Maybe I can get enough information together to make it semi-complete. Since I created this layer based on 4 others, I may have to create it myself. So, this is one project I can finally just cross of the list. That is, until we get the metadata. I soooo hate metadata.

Thatapos;s about all Iapos;ve done thus far today and Iapos;m not entirely sure what Iapos;m going to do for the rest of the day. Frank is here, so I may ask him about the sturgeon potential spawning data and see what he has to say about the MS�rivers and the attributes. I�also need to at least email him and let�him know that the grad�student heapos;s working with�on�the Escambia river needs to QA/QC his data before I�can make any accurate maps. And if Wendy moves some stuff over into the library then I�can start moving things into the Dataviewer. And thereapos;s always the metadata (ugh). Maybe Iapos;ll just create layer files for the rest�of the day.

Iapos;m really glad itapos;s Friday. Iapos;ve�havenapos;t been getting enough sleep this week because Iapos;ve been having to wake up�earlier than I would like to�have time to drive over to Maryapos;s. And I think our kitty cat doesnapos;t like it, because heapos;s started spraying again. Grr. It must be the smell of their cats. One of them is a male kitten who likes to�jump in my lap, so I guess I have to�make sure that I�donapos;t hold�her cats. :( Anyway, Iapos;m�looking forward to�sleeping semi-late over the weekend.

Then next week Iapos;m not sure what Iapos;m going to be working on. I guess Iapos;ll find something - I�do have plenty of projects to do, itapos;s just that most of them�involve�Frank and heapos;s�not going to�be around much until the middle of November.�The next one down on the list Iapos;m already working on (the springs and cool water refuges for the striped bass) but Karen is working on getting that data, and Iapos;ve come up pretty short in my search, so I donapos;t have much to do there at this point. Then there obtaining some plant data. Which is going to involve contacting people to see if theyapos;ll give it to us. So...probably not today. Monday would be better for trying to contact people I think.

On traveling back to Ellijay next week, I think weapos;ll just come back to Panama City on Monday and then I can go back to work on Tuesday. The only reason to stay was to vote, but for some reason they sent us absentee ballots rather than accepting our advance voting. I got mine in the mail here and Joeapos;s is apparently at his mothers. So we donapos;t have to stick around Monday to do that. The only thing I had planned to do on Monday was vote and go over to Gordon County. I guess I can go over to Gordon County on Friday...I need to email Donna and let her know that Iapos;m coming back to town and will be by on Friday or Monday (maybe on the way home? - that way we can directly take 75) to pick up some more deeds so she wonapos;t have to mail them to me. So weapos;ll be driving to Ellijay next Thursday, staying Fri-Sun, then coming back on Monday. I suppose we could come back on Sunday but I really donapos;t want to spend the majority of my actual birthday driving. This way I wonapos;t miss as many hours at least.

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